JLM週記(09)- Sunflower Joy 嘩,太陽花!

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主持人: Cedar

Soooradio 基督教廣播電台 JLM週記(09)- Sunflower Joy 嘩,太陽花!

跟我一起到太陽花田玩吧!一整片金黃色的笑臉向我揮手,我在花叢間跳來跳去,好開心啊!輕風吹動花莖,就像神在摸我的頭。小鳥兒在花上跳動,我知道神顧念 every living thing!這次在太陽花田遊玩讓我有什麼特別感受?聽聽咪知囉!

Sunflowers and God’s Love! I skipped through rows of happy sunflowers taller than me! Their smiling faces reminded me of Jesus’ love and care. The breeze swaying their stems showed God’s gentle touch. Tiny birds fluttering about were signs of God’s care for all his creation. My fun visit to the cheery sunflower patch in Toronto taught me lessons about belonging to God’s family through baptism. Join me as I share my delightful adventures revealing God’s kindness!

❤ Cedar與你分享她的7歲週記 ❤


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