JLM週記(08)- Papa Says 給女兒的說話

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主持人: Cedar

Soooradio 基督教廣播電台 JLM週記(08)- Papa Says 給女兒的說話

Cedar爸爸將分享一封他寫給Cedar的鼓勵信,談談如何在今天世界中 walk with Jesus。
我們一起探索通過善良來展現信仰的 meaning,即使他人不理解。

Join Cedar’s daddy as he shares a heartfelt letter of encouragement she wrote for Cedar on walking with Jesus in today’s world.
Explore what it means to live out our faith through kindness, even when others don’t understand.
Tune in for this JLM special edition on standing strong in your beliefs while loving all people.

❤ Cedar與你分享她的7歲週記 ❤


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